Dan Pearce art

  • Michael Olsen, The Butterfly Artist

    Michael Olsen is one Britians leading lepidopterogical artists. His hand painted butterflies on feathers stand out as truly unique and beautiful works of art.

    Inspired by the Butterfly Domes of the Victorian era Olsen has created pieces that embody that style, but with a contemporary twist. His butterflies are encased within a box of acrylic, giving the impression that they are floating in space. Olsen, in his work is able to bring the beauty and colour of nature into people's homes.

    Olsen has had a life-long fascination for nature and especially butterflies. He admits that he finds the moment when a butterfly stops to let an onlooker admire it's form utterly captivating. His work is an attempt to recreate this experience. Bring one fleeting moment of unity with a creature to life in ways that can't be imagined. His pieces are both large enough, and hold within them enough detail for them to be admired on a daily basis, but yet always find something new, to find within his work a new story. This, it can be said, is indicative of nature itself, where even if one looks into the same garden every day, there will always be something new to see if one takes the time to really observe.

    Olsen's previous work was in retail, but spent a great deal of his time creating things simply for his own pleasure, or for a practical purpose. He has now embraced his artistic impulses and has set out on a new venture, turning what once was a hobby into a new and exciting journey of artistic expression and discovery.