Latest work from Dan Pearce and Mark Grieves

September 6, 2017
Dan Pearce - Marilyn Hot Lips
Dan Pearce - Marilyn Hot Lips

Mark Grieves Piano Art Collection is proving to be extremely popular.  Stylistically, these pieces are stunning and we thoroughly recommend you paying us a visit to see them in their majestic glory.  Each piece of Mark’s collection is vivid, but the strong theme Mark follows means that viewed collectively, they achieve an even more striking look. 


Mark has a fascinating background, have worked previously in economics and law.  His work now includes sculpture, painting and public-art installations, with his Bike Art collection being feature at the London 2102 Olympics.  


Take a look at Mark’s work here


Our other featured artist, London-based Dan Pearce, also takes popular culture as the starting point for his mixed media art.  Blending fine art sensibilities with pop and street art, Dan has created a series of bold and eye-catching pieces.  The modernity of Dan’s work is enhanced by his digital and stencil skills, which add additional layers to his pieces.


Described as ‘one of the UK’s most collectable emerging artists’ by shortlist magazine, his work is proving to be extremely popular within the gallery and again, we recommend a visit to see for yourself.   


You can view Dan’s work here

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